This is a sample presentation on how to improve your vocabulary by repeating sentences from your textbook or Google out […]
OpenMusic & Arts Vocabulary
Here’s a WebPage devoted to Music vocabulary: You can also check this compilation of Arts Vocabulary. EXERCISES: Vocabulary: Arts Vocabulary: Music
Here’s a WebPage that shows the most common Onomatopoeias in English: EXERCISE: Onomatopoeias
OpenAdverbs of Frequency & Manner
Remember the basic structure of a sentence in English: SUBJECT + (FREQUENCY/GRAMMAR ADVERB) + VERB + INDIRECT OBJECT + DIRECT […]
OpenModals of Deduction
We’ll start off by reviewing the Basic Modal Verbs. Then we shall look at and discuss the following summary on […]
OpenBook & Film Reviews
We shall look at and discuss the following presentation on how to write a Book/Film Review in class: Alternatively, […]
OpenSocial Issues
Here’s a Glossary of social issues vocabulary:
OpenExpressing Preference
Have a look at the verbs to Express Preference. EXERCISES: Quiz: Expressing Preference Quiz: Would like to Game: