English tenses

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps with the correct form of THERE IS/ARE, then press "Check" to check your answers.
Simple present
There are several other possibilities.
Simple past (was/were)
There several other possibilities.
There another possibility.
Present perfect
There several other possibilities.
Past perfect
There several other possibilities.
Future simple
There several other possibilities.
Going to future
There several other possibilities.
Going to past
There several other possibilities.
Conditional simple
There several other possibilities.
Conditional perfect
There several other possibilities.
Can / Could
There several other possibilities.
Could have
There several other possibilities.
Have to
There several other possibilities.
There another possibility.
Might / may
There several other possibilities.
May have / might have
There several other possibilities.
There several other possibilities.
Should have
There several other possibilities.
Ought to
There several other possibilities.
There several other possibilities.
Must have
There several other possibilities.